The gap between climate science and climate policy is tremendous, and no on is more aware of this than scientists. Backed by powerful oil and gas interests, our leaders have systematically pushed science out of the policymaking process. To help us understand the urgency of the climate crisis and create solutions that match the scale of the problem, we need to strengthen the role of science in policymaking and demand that it be used to serve the common good.

Working at the intersection of science and activism, the Union of Concerned Scientists does just this, putting rigorous, independent science to work to solve our planet’s most pressing problems. They remove barriers to evidence-based decision making and advocate to ensure science plays a role in policies the affect us all.

I created a new identity for UCS and developed a design strategy that puts the focus on political and social action. The new logo highlights the word Union, emphasizing that we must work together to realize bold solutions. It also incorporates a speech bubble that hints at conversation, collaboration and raising voices to speak the truth.

Bold, clean typography combines with a black and white color palette for a look that is simple, crisp, and honest with a subtle scientific feel. A set of secondary colors brings in a bright, hopeful, and urgent note.

The Union of Concerned Scientists is made up of everyday people just like you and me. They are people who care about next generations and the world we are passing on to them. They just happen to be scientists who know the facts about climate change. They know it is happening now, it will affect us all, and we must take action. These posters emphasize the human side of UCS and call for political engagement.

The main message of these website concepts is that we have moved beyond the debate over whether or not climate change is real and it is time to put the focus on solutions. The website uses massive text that dominates the screen and forces you to interact immediately by scrolling down to read the rest of the question.

A playful line of products for babies and children drive home the point that our actions (or inactions) effect our children. Inside this alphabet book you will find “A Note to Parent’s and Caregivers: If the idea of reading this book to your children makes you uncomfortable, please act now to reverse global warming and ecological breakdown.”

A traveling pop-up exhibit provides details about where each presidential candidate stands on climate issues. An overview of climate change covers current science and policy, as well as the actions and timeline required to avoid catastrophic change. Each candidate is featured in a section that showcases their current views and past actions on climate issues.

An interactive kiosk makes it easy for guests to take small actions on the spot, such as calling an elected official or registering to vote. At the end of the exhibit each person can ‘vote’ for their favorite candidate by taking a button that reminds them of the experience. A take-home Climate Science Voters’ Pamphlet is also available to each person.

Modeled after a grassroots candidate campaign, this parody will catch people’s attention and point out that we need more science and more respect for scientists in our government. It could expand into a complete faux election campaign that highlights the need to have scientific thought as part of the political decision making process.